The Journal of Plastination

Abstracts Presented at The 7th Interim Conference on Plastination - Shanghai and Nanjing, China, June 11-15, 2001


Published in the J. Int. Soc. Plast.20:31-32 (2005)


A series of S10 or Su Yi plastinated specimens to demonstrate the normal and pathological anatomof the cardiovascular system. Olry R1, G Grondin', TZ Zheng1. 1Universite du Quebec at Trois-Rivieres, Trois-RivieresQc,  Canada;  2Shanghai  MedicaUniversity. Shanghai. China.

Plastination of the heart and the vascular system has been of great interest since the very beginning of the utilization of the plastination process in anatomy as well as pathology. A series of plastinated human as well as animal hearts are presented. These specimens present interior cavities of the heart as well as coronary arteries and cardiac veins. Some of these specimens (human and bovine) were prepared with Biodur S10 using the standard technique while the others (porcine) were plastinated at room temperature with the Su Yi silicone polymer developed in China. A series of aortic specimens showing various degrees of arterial sclerosis, calcification and aneurisms are also presented.

Plastinated prosections: An aid to understanding sectional neuroanatomy. Martin-Alguacil N, R Martin­ Orti, J Camon Urge/, RW Henry. Department of Anatomy and Embryology. School of Veterinary Medicine. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. 1Department of Comparative Medicine. College of Veterinary Medicine. University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Tennessee. USA.

Understanding the spatial organization of various structures of the brain can sometimes be difficult for students. However, it is important to visualize how neuroanatomic structures are oriented within the brain in order to interpret diagnostic images. The use of plastinated specimens can certainly assure a better understanding of the three-dimenS10nal geometry of the brain and its parts. Herein. We present examples of S10 plastinated brain prosections and epoxy and polyester brain sections to visualize structural detail and spatial relationships within the brain. A silicone plastinated dog brain. with the vascular system injected with colored latex and the cranial nerves colored. is used as a general reference to identify the level of the particular section  to be studied. Brain prosections of deep 'structures like the caudate nucleus and hippocampus as they project dorsally from the floor of the lateral ventricle is seen. As well, the internal capsule, rostral and caudal colliculi. thalamus and geniculate bodies are exposed. All these dissected structures can be identified on various sections. Combined plastinated prosections and sections of the brain can generate models to identify structures of different types and sizes. Using these specimens, students can study sequential sections by taking them apart or building them up and/or comparing them with the prosected specimen. By using plastinated specimens. useful three-dimenS10nal models can also be generated for teaching neuroanatomy.

The Su Yi Chinese silicone for doing plastination at room temperature. Zheng TZ. Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai. China.

In 1996 a new silicone was developed named Su-Yi Chinese silicone. As well. an intermittent vacuum procedure was introduced. Ten thousand specimens have been plastinated using this process at the Nanjing Plastination Factory. Both human and animal specimens were immersed in 7% formalin solution at room temperature for ten days and then kept in a 5% formalin bath for one month. Specimens were then dehydrated in a graded series of acetone. After dehydration. specimens were submerged in the Chinese silicone mixed with 0.1% hardener and allowed to remain in the solution for five to seven days prior to applying vacuum to allow normal vaporization of the acetone. The specimens were turned daily to let acetone and polymer reach equilibrium. After this pre-impregnation, the specimens and silicone were placed in a vacuum chamber and vacuum was applied and pressure slowly reduced during the workday over a two week period to 10mbar (7.5mm). Pressure decrease was monitored by observing bubble formation. After impregnation was complete, the specimens were allowed to remain in the polymer and equilibrate for five days. Two curing methods are used. I. Slow cure: specimens are allowed to cure on their own for 2 months at room temperature. This yields a flexible specimen with a slight oily reel. 2. Add hardener: place the impregnated specimens into a silicone bath containing 3.0% hardener for 5 to 7 days, remove and smear curing agent onto the surface of each specimen. This method yields a hard dry surface. All specimens remain preserved and useful.

Restoration of a human fetal teaching collection with subsequent examination using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Lyons GW1, CW Reifel R Smith2, R Temkin', D Situ1, SC Pang'. Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology' and Department of Radiology Queens University, Kingston, Ontario. Canada.

Between the 1940's and 1960's, Queens University's medical school acquired several normal and abnormal human fetal specimens. With the changing medical curriculum of the late 1960's, the collection was relocated to storage. Recently, this collection was retrieved as part of our museum collection and an MRI investigation of morphological defects in the specimens was undertaken. After prolonged storage in formalin, some specimens showed signs of dehydration. To facilitate rehydration, the specimens were placed under running tap water for 24-48 hours and transferred to 10% NBF. After one month, specimens with major defects (sirenomelia, dicephalic iliothoracopagus, etc.) were prepared for scanning. The specimens were washed overnight in tap water, surface dried, mounted on plexiglass, sealed in 6 ml. plastic cocoons and scanned with a GE Signa, 1.5 Tesla magnetic resonance imager using 5.4.2 software. T2 weighed, 2D FSE images were obtained and evaluated. Following scanning, specimens were mounted and displayed in plexiglass jars containing 5.0% NBF. The revamping of this collection and the non-invasive nature of MRI scanning allowed us to reconstruct a teaching asset and afforded us with an excellent method of investigating these specimens for defects of internal organs and structures.

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