The Journal of Plastination
4 ( 1990 )
Abstracts presented at The 5th International Conference on Plastination, Faculty of Medicine, University of Heidelberg, Germany July 1990
Report on the 5th international Conference on Plastination and the Post Conference Tour
Harmon Bickley, and T. R. Barns,
Room-Temperature "Forced Air" Impregnation of Dried Lungs with S10/S3-Xylene Mix.
Robert W. Henry, and Jessica Butler ,
Sectional Anatomy: Standardized Methodology
Alexander Lane,
Design of a Plastination Laboratory
R B G Gubbins,
Plastination of Whole Animal Preparations Following Histochemistry: In Situ Localization of the Enzyme Acetylcholinesterase
Daniel L Feeback, John H. Holliman, and Raymond E. Papka ,
Staining of Human Fetal and Adult Brain Slices Combined with Subsequent Plastination
Norbert Ulfig ,
Use of Plastinated Tissue in the Construction of Holograms
Bert Myers, and Harmon Bickley,
Other Features
Letter from the President
Letter from the Editor
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